Jurnal Ilmu Ternak dan Veteriner

Issue Title
Vol 22, No 2 (2017): JUNE 2017 Supplementation of inorganic and organic zinc mixtures in feed of Boerka goats fed by oil palm fronds Abstract  PDF
Simon P. Ginting, Antonius ., Kiston Simanihuruk
Vol 22, No 4 (2017): DECEMBER 2017 Growth and feed utilization of Boer x Kacang crossbred goats offered total mixed rations of different protein and energy levels Abstract  PDF
Simon P. Ginting, Kiston Simanihuruk, Antonius Antonius, Andi Tarigan
Vol 27, No 4 (2022): December 2022 Molecular Characterization and Gene Expression Of TLR4 Gene Associated with Mastitis in Goats Abstract  PDF
S S Soquila, Arren Christian de Guia, N P Medina, C N Mingala
Vol 20, No 1 (2015): MARCH 2015 Effect of protein levels and Zinc-biocomplex supplementation in concentrate diets on performance of young male goats Abstract  PDF
Supriyati I, Puastuti W, Budiarsana IGM, Sutama I-K
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