Effect of Total Mixed Ration Feeding System on Dry Matter Intake, Nutrient Intake, and Onset of Estrus in Growing Dairy Cattle

Augusto - Barros




Studi ini dilakukan untuk membandingkan keuntungan pemberian pakan lengkap atau total mixed ration (TMR) dibandingkan dengan pemberian pakan komponen (COMP) terhadap konsumsi bahan kering (KBK), dan konsumsi nutrisi dalam hal protein kasar (PK), serat deterjen netral (NDF), dan konsumsi serat deterjen asam (ADF), serta timbulnya beahi.

Sepuluh ekor sapi dara dan jantan muda persilangan Friesian Holstein dan Jersey di Dairy Training dan Research Institute digunankan untuk percobaan pakan selama 5 bulan. Struktur rancangan digunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok Lengkap (RAKL) dengan 5 blok dibawah 2 kelompok perlakuan. Pakan TMR dan COMP menggunakan bahan pakan yang sama yaitu silase jagung, rumput gajah, konsentrat mash, campuran kacang-kacangan, molase, dan garam beryodium dengan jumlah dan kebutuhan nutrisi yang sama. TMR dicampur terlebih dahulu sebelum diberikan sementara bahan pakan COMP diberikan secara terpisah pada ternak dengan mengikuti jadwal pemberian makan.

Data dikumpulkan dari konsumsi pakan harian dari ransum yang diberikan. Sisa pakan ditimbang setiap hari sebelum pemberian pakan dimulai pada pagi hari dan pertambahan berat badan (PBB) ditimbang setiap dua minggu sekali. Sedangkan sampel dari pakan yang diberikan dan sisa pakan dikumpulkan seminggu sekali untuk dilakukan analisis kandungan nutrisi. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan prosedur ANOVA dari Perangkat Lunak Statistik SAS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsumsi BK, PK, NDF, dan ADF lebih tinggi pada kelompok TMR dibandingkan kelompok COMP. Sedangkan perbedaan rata-rata untuk PBB, rasio konversi pakan, dan timbulnya berahi tidak berbeda nyata.

Secara keseluruhan, TMR diharapkan dapat bermanfaat dalam beternak sapi perah.


Kata kunci: Pakan lenkap, komponen, sistem pemberian pakan, budidaya sapi perah




The study was conducted to compare the advantage of feeding total mixed ration (TMR) over component (COMP) feeding on dry matter intake (DMI), and nutrient intake in terms of crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), and acid detergent fiber (ADF) intake, and the onset of estrus. Ten growing Holstein Frisian (HF) x Jersey breeds at Dairy Training and Research Institute were assigned to 5 months of feeding trials. The design structure applied a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with 5 blocking factors under 2 treatment groups. TMR and COMP used the same feed ingredients including corn silage, Napier grass, concentrate mash, legumes mixed, molasses, and iodized salt with the same amount and same nutrient requirement. TMR was mixed first prior to feeding while feed ingredients under the COMP were offered separately to the cattle following the feeding schedule.

Data were collected from daily feed intake of the rations offered. The feed refusal was weighed daily before morning feeding started and the body weight gain (BWG) was weighed every two weeks. While the samples of feed offered and refused were collected once a week for nutritional analysis. Data were subjected to the ANOVA procedure of SAS Statistical Software.  The results showed that the intake of DM, CP, NDF, and ADF were higher in TMR than in the COMP group. While the differences in means for BWG, feed conversion ratio, and the onset of estrus were not significantly different.

Overall, TMR is expected to be beneficial in raising growing dairy cattle.


Keywords: Total mixed ration, component feed, feeding system, growing dairy cattle


Total mixed ration, component feed, feeding system, growing dairy cattle


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