Estimate the effect of non-genetic factors on the reproductive traits of Afec-Assaf strain in Bani Naim Farm, Palestine

Mutasem Abuzahra, Dwi Wijayanti, Mustofa Helmi Effendi, Imam Mustofa, Loay Abu Eid


The aim of the study was to evaluate the reproductive performance of the Afec-Assaf strain in intensive farming. The research was carried out in Bani Naim, Hebron city, Palestine. Data collected from 450 ewes and 1660 lambs born over the period 2019 to 2022 were used to compile the data for this study. Linear models with fixed effects were used to estimate the influence of year of birth and parity on litter size born alive (LS), litter size at weaning (LSAW), and lambing interval (LI). The most influential component in LS was parity, which resulted in an average of 1.81 ± 0.9. There was a significant difference between the size of litters born in the first and fourth parities, with the smallest litters born in the first parity (1.75±0.04) and the largest born in the fourth (2.25±0.14). LSAW lamb averaged 1.75±0.82. The LSAW was significantly influenced by parity (P<0.05). LI was 250.60±77.59 days on average. There was no significant (P>0.05) relationship between parity and LI. The longest LI was observed at third parity (251.56±6.15 days). According to the findings, the birth type of a lamb is significantly affected by the parity. Non-genetic variables have a substantial impact on the diversity of reproductive traits in Afec-Assaf.


Afec-Assaf; Litter Size; Lambing Interval; Parity; Sheep

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