Characterization of Protein Degradation in Tropical Dairy Feedstuff Using In Sacco Method

Idat Galih Permana, Annisa Rosmalia, Sari Filza Izzati Rahmat, Despal Despal, Rika Zahera


A study to determine protein degradation characteristics of tropical dairy feedstuff's for dairy ration has been conducted using twenty-seven feedstuff. Twenty-two tropical feedstuffs were grouped into A1 (energy sources: corn, rice bran, cassava, cassava waste, wheat, and pollard), A2 (protein sources: palm kernel meal, tofu waste, and tempe waste), and A3 (forage sources: acacia, alfalfa, narra, gliricidia, indigofera, calliandra, bauhinia, leucaena, albizia, agati, piper, moringa, and jack leaves), were compared to A4 (imported sources: soybean, roasted soybean, DDGS, CGM, and CGF) for nutrient composition, protein degradability (RDP), and characteristics. Degradability studies were conducted using in sacco method. It showed that the protein content in A1, A2, and A3 was lower than A4 in opposite to crude fiber. Protein degradability characteristics of A1 and A2 showed a higher solubility fraction (a) than A3 and A4. While the potentially degraded fraction (b) in A1 and A4 were lower than A2 and A3. A1 and A2 have higher RDP fractions than A3 and A4. Pollard, wheat, soybean, CGF, tempe waste, alfalfa, gliricidia, indigofera, agati, and moringa can be grouped into high RDP feeds. The study showed that the right combination of tropical feedstuff could fulfill the RDP requirement of dairy cattle.


concentrate; dairy cattle; forages; rumen degradable protein; rumen undegradable protein


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