Genetic diversity and structure of native Egyptian cattle populations and French-Egyptian Cross via DNA-microsatellite

Eslam Faid-Allah, E. Ghoneim, A. R. Elbetagy, M. El-Dabour


This study investigates genetic diversity and structure of native Egyptian cattle populations, called Baladi, as Saidi from Southern Egypt, Menufi from Mid-Delta and their F1 crosses with the French Tarentaise breed using DNA Microsatellite markers. A total of unrelated 97 individuals were genotyped utilizing eight SSR primers (ETH10, ETH225, BM1818, BM1824, BM2113, SPS115, TGLA53 and TGLA126). All utilized SSR were found to be polymorphic. The highest and lowest numbers of alleles detected were 16 and 6 at TGLA53 and SPS115 loci, respectively. Baladi-Tarentaise crosses (Bal-Tar) had the highest number of alleles over all. The PIC values of 7 loci were higher than 0.5, indicating high allelic variation of utilized markers. Estimated PIC values were up to 0.898, 0.866 and 0.873 for TGLA53 genotyped in Saidi, Menufi and Bal-Tar, respectively. Hobs values were lower than the expected ones in the native populations accompanied with positive values for Fis and significant deviation from HWE indicating inbreeding trend in native populations. Structure analysis indicated three ancestral genetic backgrounds. The native populations share two main backgrounds in almost equal percentages, while the Bal-Tar had the third one. The three populations showed low percentage of admixture. The studied Mediterranean cattle populations that belong to Egypt and France seem to have differentiated from each other with only little genetic exchange between the geographically isolated populations so local cattle is very similar.


Cattle; Genetic Diversity; DNA Microsatellite.

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