Qualitative Traits of Local Bambu Apus Rabbits

Henny Nuraini, Amelia Kamila Islami, Edit Lesa Aditia, Bram Brahmantiyo, Eko Handiwirawan


The local Bambu Apus rabbit is a crossbred with diverse qualitative traits and many of them resemble Rex and New Zealand White rabbits. Hence, it is necessary to compare the qualitative traits of local Bambu Apus rabbits with Rex and New Zealand White rabbits. The total samples observed were 94 local Bambu Apus rabbits, 89 Rex rabbits, and 89 New Zealand White rabbits. This study aims to evaluate the qualitative traits of local Bambu Apus rabbits as rabbits that have adapted to the environment of DKI Jakarta, so they are expected to become broiler rabbit strains that support urban farming in DKI Jakarta. Variables observed included qualitative traits such as head type, ear type, eye colour, predominant body colour, body colour pattern, stripe colour, stripe distribution, fur characteristics, body type, and body size. Qualitative traits observed included head type, ear type, eye colour, body colour, colour pattern, stripe characteristics, fur type, body type, and size. Data were analyzed using SAS 9.4 with PROC FREQ for frequency and percentage of each variable and Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA) using PROC CORESP. Results showed that Bambu Apus rabbits exhibit distinct traits, including the presence of blue and heterochromia eye colour, predominantly light brown colour and harlequin colour pattern that is more prevalent in Bambu Apus rabbits, variations in compact body type, lion fur characteristics, and lop ear type. With a commercial body type and medium size, these traits highlight their genetic potential as tropical climate-adaptive broiler rabbits supporting urban farming in DKI Jakarta.


Adaptability; Bambu Apus Rabbit; Broiler Rabbit; Qualitative Traits


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