Diversity of the Monoamine Oxidase A Gene in Beef Cattle

Nadira Andarini Siregar, Ronny Rachman Noor, R Priyanto, Mokhamad Fakhrul Ulum, Jakaria Jakaria


Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA)  is a gene that controls aggressive traits.  The MAOA gene plays a role in encoding the monoamine oxidase A enzyme, which plays a role in the catabolism of neurotransmitters, including dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin.  This study aims to identify the diversity of the MAOA SNP gene in beef cattle using sequencing methods.  This research used 127 cattle DNA samples to identify diversity, including Bali, Limousin, Wagyu, PO, Madura, and Wagyu-Bali (F1) cattle.  MAOA gene polymorphisms in the promoter and exon 1 were analyzed using sequencing methods.  Genotype frequencies, allele frequencies, heterozygosity values, and Hardy-Weinberg balance were calculated using the PopGen32 program.  The results showed that the MAOA gene in the promoter region has six SNPs, one of which is SNP g.385G>A, while the MAOA gene in exon 1 is monomorphic.  The PCR-RFLP method was used to investigate the SNP g.385G>A MAOA gene polymorphism using the RSaI restriction enzyme.  The MAOA gene was detected in 3 genotypes: GG, GA, and AA.  SNP g.385G>A is polymorphic in Bali, PO, Madura, and Wagyu-Bali cross (F1) cattle while monomorphic in Limousin and Wagyu cattle.  Further studies are necessary to explore the functional implications of SNP g.385G>A and their relationship to aggressive behaviors in cattle.


Beef Cattle; Genetic Diversity; MAOA Gene; Single Nucleotide Polymorphism

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