Comparison of Physicochemical, Microbiological, and Organoleptic Characteristics of Dali, Dangke, and Fresh Cheese from Goat Milk
Indonesian people utilize goat milk to be traditionally processed into food products. Goat milk processing into dairy products is expected to be an alternative way to increase the value of goat milk consumption without reducing the benefit. The traditional dairy products from goat milk are Dali from North Sumatra and Dangke from South Sulawesi. This study aimed to examine the physiochemical, microbiological, and organoleptic characteristics of dali with Agave angustifolia leaf extract coagulant (alo-alo leaf), dangke with papaya latex coagulant, and fresh cheese with rennet coagulant. The experimental design used a randomized block design with three different levels of coagulant treatment, namely Rennet, papaya latex, and Agave angustifolia leaves as casein coagulating enzymes for dali, dangke, and fresh cheese. The variance and non-parametric data test used the Kruskal-Wallis test, followed by Tukey's multiple comparison test. The results showed that the values of aw, pH, and fat between dali, dangke, and fresh cheese were not different. Meanwhile, there is a significant difference (P<0.05) for yield value, dry matter, ash, protein, and carbohydrate. The results showed that the total plate count, yeast, and mold count of fresh cheese, dali, and dangke were not significantly different. The results of the hedonic test showed that fresh cheese differs significantly from others (P<0.05). Fresh cheese had a better organoleptic value than dangke and dali.
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