Utilization of Sago Waste Fermented by Neurospora sp. as Alternative Corn Substitution on Laying Duck Production

Procula Rudlof Matitaputty, Nurfaizin Nurfaizin Nurfaizin, Tabita Naomi Ralahalu, Marchie Astrid da Costa


The corn stock as a feed energy metabolism source in the Moluccas region is still an obstacle, so there is a need to find a substitution. One of the alternative feeds used is sago waste fermented by Neurospora sp. The study aimed to determine the effect of sago waste fermented by Neurospora sp. as alternative feed productive for laying ducks. The material used was 120 local Moluccas laying ducks aged 22 weeks divided into 5 treatments. Each treatment consisted of 5 replications of 6 laying ducks in each treatment unit. There were five dietary treatments with the inclusion of fermented sago weste: T0 (0%), T1 (10%), T2 (20%), T3 (30%), and T4 (40%). A feeding trial was carried out for 16 weeks. Results showed that the treatments using fermented sago waste by Neurospora sp. significantly affected (P<0.05) consumption, production, and feed conversion efficiency. At the same time, egg quality regarding egg weight, yolk carotene content, and odor were not significantly influenced. In conclusion, the maximum level of the use of Neurospora sp. fermented sago was 30% in feed without reducing the general performance of the ducks.


Sago Waste; Laying Duck; Neurospora sp

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