Fermentation of Cocoa Pods Husk Using Turmeric Powder and Aspergillus niger: Effects on Fiber Composition and Antinutrients

I Gede Mahardhika Atmaja, Ismartoyo Ismartoyo, Asmuddin Natsir, Syahriani Syahrir


Processing of cocoa pods husk (CPH) by fermentation with Aspergillus niger (A. niger) and additional herbs such as turmeric is believed to be able to improve the quality of feed ingredients from plantation byproducts.  The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the fermentation process using A. niger and the addition of different levels of turmeric in reducing the fiber fraction and antinutrient contents of CPH.  The experiment used a completely randomized design of eight treatments and three replications.  The treatments consisted of P0: control; P1: CPH fermented with A. niger; P2, P3 and P4: fermented (CPH + 0.5; 1.0 and 1.5% turmeric powder) with A. niger; P5, P6 and P7: fermented CPH with A. niger + 0.5; 1.0 and 1.5 % turmeric powder. Variables observed were the fiber composition of CPH  as well as antinutrients.  The results showed that CPH fermentation using A. niger with different levels of turmeric powder significantly reduced the content of fiber fractions, i.e., NDF, ADF, and hemicellulose, compared to that of unfermented CPH.  For antinutritional content, fermentation using A. niger with different levels of turmeric powder significantly decreased tannin.  It tended to decrease the lignin content of CPH compared to unfermented CPHs.  In conclusion, fermentation of CPH using A. niger with an addition of 1.5% of turmeric before the fermentation is the most effective treatment in decreasing the fiber and antinutritional Components In CPH.


Antinutritional; Aspergillus niger; Cocoa Pods Husk; Fiber Fraction; Turmeric

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