Influence of Moringa Leaf Meal As a Feed Additive on Antibody and Bursa Histomorphometry of Hybrid Ducklings

Wisca Febriana, Teguh Suprihatin, Kasiyati Kasiyati


Moringa leaf meal contains various phytonutrients that benefit animal and human health.  This research is designed to evaluate Moringa leaf meal as a feed additive on antibody response and histomorphometry of the bursa Fabricius of hybrid duck administrated by ND vaccine.  The experimental design used is a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) using thirty-two male hybrid ducks of three days old.  They were divided into four treatment groups and eight replicates of each.  The first group was standard commercial fed without adding of  Moringa leaf meal (0%), while the second until the fourth group was a standard commercial fed with 2.5%, 5%, and 7.5% adding of Moringa leaf meal.  All groups were vaccinated by ND1 and ND2, respectively, at the age of seventh and fourteenth days.  The results showed that Moringa leaf meal as a feed additive had no significant effect on antibody titer, leukocyte count, lymphocytes (L), heterophils (H), H:L ratio, bursa weight, cortex, and medulla thickness of bursa.  The concentration of serum MDA, the diameter of plica, and follicles bursa were significantly influenced (P<0.05) by adding Moringa leaf meal.  In conclusion, the Moringa leaf meal additive could stimulate the proliferation of bursa follicles and have no adverse effect on the immune response of hybrid ducks post-ND vaccine.


Moringa Leaf Meal; Male Ducklings; Antibody Titer; Bursa Fabricius

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