Meat Quality Characteristics of IPB-D1 Chicken and the Final Stock from Different Locations

Kresna Bhayu Adelta, Irma Isnafia Arief, Cece Sumantri, Zakiah Wulandari


The increasing demand for animal protein encourages innovations development of new livestock types or breeds.  IPB-D1 chicken is an improved local chicken for their productivity.  Its rearing was carried out in Sukabumi and Bekasi Regency.  Physical, chemical, and microbiological quality testing of IPB-D1 chicken meat was carried out at the Integrated IPTP Laboratory and the Microbiology Laboratory of Livestock Products, and organoleptic testing was carried out in the Organoleptic Room, both of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, IPB University.  The research was carried out from February to June 2022.  The scope of this research includes chicken rearing at two locations and sampling that aims to test the physical, chemical, microbiological, and organoleptic quality.  The chickens tested were the IPB-D1 Sukabumi chicken, IPB-D1 Bekasi chicken, IPB-D1 final stock Sukabumi chicken, IPB-D1 Bekasi final stock chicken, and Kampong, Sentul, and broiler chickens, which consist of 15 chickens each.  At each location, sampling was carried out 10 times as a replication.  The sampling technique used is simple random sampling.  The results showed that the quality of IPB-D1 chicken meat and its Final Stock did not have a significant difference (P>0.05) in physical quality aspects such as pH and water holding capacity (WHC) but had a significant difference (P<0.05) in cooking loss and tenderness than Kampong, Sentul, and broilers.  Meanwhile, the chemical quality of IPB-D1 broilers and their final stock showed significantly different results (P<0.05) in the fat content of the meat.  As for the parameters of ash content, protein, minerals, and cholesterol showed no significant difference (P>0.05).  Microbiological quality analysis in the form of total bacterial colonies (total plate count) of IPB-D1 broilers and its Final Stock was 105 CFU/g.  These results are still within the Maximum Microbial Contamination Limits set by the Indonesian National Standardization Agency in 2009.  Based on the results of this study, it is necessary to improve handling methods, hygienic packaging, and sanitation so that the quality of broilers can be improved and microbial contamination can be minimized.


Characteristics; Chicken Meat; Final Stock; IPB-D1; Microbiology; Organoleptic

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