Effect of Dietary Modified-Banana-Tuber Meal Substituting Dietary Corn on Growth Performance, Carcass Trait and Dietary-Nutrients Digestibility of Coloured-Feather Hybrid Duck

Osfar Sjofjan, Danung Nur Adli, Muhammad Halim Natsir, Yuli Frita Nuningtyas, Tika Septi Wardani, Ilmi Sholichatunnisa, Siti Nur Ulpah, Obbi Firmansyah


In this experiment, we investigate the effect of modified banana tuber meal (M-BTM) to substitute dietary maize in growing-finisher colored-feathered hybrid duck. One hundred and ninety six hybrid ducks (Pekin x Khaki Campbell) with 421.31 ± 0.183g body weight (BW) were allotted to 5 dietary treatments with 9 ducks (unsexed) per pen and 4 replications per treatment. These dietary treatments were: NC (negative control; maize-soyabean-meal based diet), BTM25 (25% maize was replaced by M-BTM-), BTM50 (50% maize was replaced by M-BTM), BTM75 (75% maize was replaced by M-BTM), and BTM100 (100% maize was replaced by M-BTM). The experimental design applied using completely randomize design (CRD). Data of this experiment were statistically analysed by one-way-analysis-of-variance of SAS University version 4.0 red hat (64-bit) University Online Edition. Result demonstrated that M-BTM improved significantly (p< 0.05) digestibility of dry matter and crude protein. It is concluded that M-BTM enhanced apparently growth performaces and digestibility parameters of colored-feathered hybrid duck (Pekin x Khaki Campbell).


Carcass, Digestibility of energy, Hybrid ducks, Modified banana tuber meal

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